Thursday 29 December 2016

Waterloo 百田棋 (5th edition)

It is here that the battle of Waterloo was won!
Duke of Wellington

Waterloo 百田棋 (the chess variant)
(5th edition)

Kosintsev I.G.

If you want play a perfect grand chess, play Waterloo. This 100-squares chess variant has wide strategic and tactical possibilities but at the same time is using an extended set of the chess pieces with the traditional style of movement well known to all chess players. Pieces are arranged hierarchically and harmonically at the initial position.
The initial (in agree with etiquette centre-symmetrical) position at the game Waterloo with the 10x10 board is follows.

The complete set of the chess Waterloo have 72 pieces: 36 white and 36 black.

The basic initial white pieces (Humans):
1. (P) Pawn: a3, b3, d3, e3, f3, g3, i3, k3 (8 pieces).
2. (N) Knight: d2, e2, f2, g2 (4 pieces).
3. (G) Guard: a2, b2, k2, i2 (4 pieces).
4. (B) Bishop: c2, h2 (2 pieces).
5. (C) Cardinal: c1, h1 (2 pieces).
6. (R) Rook: a1, k1 (2 pieces).
7. (M) Marshall: b1, i1 (2 pieces).
8. (A) Adviser: d1, g1 (2 pieces).
9. (Q) Queen: f1 (1 piece).
10.(K) King: e1 (1 piece).

The additional reserved white pieces (Aliens):
1. (S) Spy: c3, h3, r3, s3 (4 pieces).
2. (J) Joker: r2, s2 (2 pieces).
3. (W) Wiseman: r1,s1 (2 pieces).

The basic initial black pieces (Humans):
1. (P) Pawn: a8, b8, d8, e8, f8, g8, i8, k8 (8 pieces).
2. (N) Knight: d9, e9, f9, g9 (4 pieces).
3. (G) Guard: a9, b9, k9, i9 (4 pieces).
4. (B) Bishop: c9, h9 (2 pieces).
5. (C) Cardinal: c10, h10 (2 pieces).
6. (R) Rook: a10, k10 (2 pieces).
7. (M) Marshall: b10, i10 (2 pieces).
8. (A) Adviser: d10, g10 (2 pieces).
9. (Q) Queen: f10 (1 piece).
10.(K) King: e10 (1 piece).

The additional reserved black pieces (Aliens):
1. (S) Spy: c8, h8, r8, s8 (4 pieces).
2. (J) Joker: r9, s9 (2 pieces).
3. (W) Wiseman: r10, s10 (2 pieces).

1. The orthogonal mode of the movement O or O(n), where n is the number of the path cells.
2. The diagonal mode of the movement D or D(n), where n is the number of the path cells.
3. The jumping mode JO or JD means that a piece can jump own way over one other (friendly or enemy) piece (hurdle).
4. The neighbor mode of the movement N or N(n), where n=1,2,3 over the neighbor occupied or unoccupied squares (Jump).

1. (P) The pawn moves ahead without the capture by O(1) mode or with the capture by D(1) mode.
Pawn may advance in its first ahead move, without capturing, by O(2) mode.
The pawn may standard capture «en passant».
The pawn that reaches the eighth promotion row promotes for the spy.
The rule of third pawn. The achievement of the eighth promotional row by third pawn brings the victory.
2. (N) The knight moves by N(3) mode.
3. (G) The guard (pasha or mastodon) jumps by N(1) or N(2) modes.
When a guard captures a knight, he turns into a joker (if the reserve allows this).
4. (B) The bishop moves by D mode.
5. (C) The cardinal combines the powers of the bishop and knight.
6. (R) The rook moves by O mode.
7. (M) The marshall combines the powers of the rook and knight.
8. (A) The adviser moves by O or D modes.
The checking adviser turns immediately into a wiseman (if the reserve allows this).
9. (Q) The queen (Amazonka) combines the powers of the adviser and knight.
10. (K) The king moves by N(1) mode.
When (double) castling, the Marshall move towards the King, the Rook move towards this Marshall and the King moves to the square at the other side of this Rook (for whites: 0-0 (Md1, Rc1, Kb1), 0-0-0 (Mf1, Rg1, Kh1); for blacks: 0-0 (Mg10, Rh10, Ki10), 0-0-0 (Me10, Rd10, Kc10)).
Castling may only be done if the King, the Marshall and the Rook have never moved, the squares between the King and the Marshall involved are unoccupied, the King is not in check, and the King does not cross over or end on a square in which it would be in check.
The achievement of the eighth promotional row by the king brings the victory.
11. (S) The spy moves by N(1) mode.
The spy that achieves the ninth promotion row can optionally promote for the joker (if the reserve allows this).
The spy that achieves the last promotion row can optionally promote for the wiseman (if the reserve allows this).
12. (J) The joker moves by N mode.
13. (W) The wiseman moves by JO or JD modes.
14. The (stale)mate brings the victory.
15. Waterloo has no draws. Repeating any position with the same order of move is prohibited. Thirty ordinary moves without any capture and promotion means defeat.

Other rules of this game are identical with rules of classical chess [1].

Internet resources:
1. Chess.
3. Chaturanga.
4. Omega Chess.
5. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Grand chess.
6. Archchess.
7. Pacific Chess.
8. Mideast Chess.
9. Mastodon Chess (10x10).
10. Modern Grand Chess.
11. Avant-garde Grand Chess.
12. Playing card.

Friday 4 November 2016

Waterloo party 3

Waterloo party 3.

1. f3-f5 d8-d6

2. d3-d5 g8-g6

3. f5:g6 Bh9:d5

4. e3-e4 Bd5-g8

5. Ng2-h4 e8-e6

6. Nd2-c4 c8-c7

7. g3-g5 e6-e5

8. Nc4:d6 Sc7:d6

9. Ad1:d6 Ga9-c7

10. Ad6-d1 Nd9-e7

11. Gi2-g4 Sh8-g7

12. Nf2-d3 Ne9-d7

13. Sc3-c4 Sg7:g6

14. Nh4-f3 Gi9-g7

15. Ne2-c3 f8-f6

16. g5:f6 Sg6:f6

17. Nc3-b5 Gc7-d8

18. Gb2-c3 a8-a6

19. Nd3:e5 Sf6:e5

20. Nf3:e5 a6:b5

21. Sc4:b5 Ch10:i9

22. Ne5-c4 Ad10-f8

23. Bh2-f4 Ne7-d5

24. Gc3-d4 Nd5:f4

25. Gg4:f4 Nf9-e7

26. Ag1-f2 Ag10-f9

27. Gk2-h2 0-0

28. Ch1-g3 Ne7-g6

29. Gf4-f3 Nd7-e5

30. Gf3-f5 Gb9-d7

31. Nc4:e5 Gd7:f5

32. e4:f5 Gg7:e5

33. Gd4:e5 Ng6:e5

34. Ad1-e2 Bg8-i6

35. Ae2-e3 Ne5-f3+

36. Af2:f3 Bi6:f3

37. Qf1:f3 Mg10-e9

38. 0-0-0 Gd8-f6

39. Ae3-c5 Af8:c5
40. Sb5:c5 Gf6-e5

41. Gh2-f4 Cc10-a8

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Waterloo party 2

Party 2.

1. e3-e5 e8-e6

Friday 29 July 2016

Turtle (龜)

It's turtles all the way down.
Hindu mythology

If you plant one gold coin in a little hole, next day you will find a whole tree dripping with gold coins!
Carlo Collodi

A ses pieds le genre humain
Se ruant, le fer en main,
Dans le sang et dans la fange
Où brille l’ardent métal!…
Et Satan conduit le bal!
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

A Christian has no right being in a fight unless it’s a spiritual fight.
Charles Stanley

Turtle (龜)
Kosintsev I.G.

If you have played chess, Xiangqi and Shogi enough times, you begin to understand that all chess variants have own particular pieces or classes of pieces absent at others. The size of board and hence the number of pieces are restricted. But there are an effective solution of this contradiction with help of popular at ours times idea of transformers next evolution of well known constructivism. We simply are adding to the rules the ability of the combining pieces to one hole and disintegration of it as special move or part of move. As result we get big variety of weak and strong pieces with absolutely different features and therefore new very interesting game.
Let's represent you the chess variant titled Turtle.

The game Turtle has three main streams: Indian turtle, Japan turtle and Chinese turtle with many variations.
The set up of the Indian turtle with the 8x8 board is follows.

The set up of the Chinese turtle with the 9x9 board is follows.

The set up of the Japan turtle with the 9x9 board is follows.

There are seven standard checkers (Tuvan coins [7]) of four suits.

The order of suits is such (down upside)
1. Blue.
2. Red.
3. Black.
4. Green.
The hierarchy of checkers (coins) is following (from left to right)
1. Stoat (Mustela erminea) - 10 kopeek (0.01 unit).
2. Wolverine (Gulo gulo) - 20 kopeek (0.02 unit).
3. Caspian red deer (Cervus elaphus maral) - 50 kopeek (0.05 unit).
4. Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica) - 1 ruble (0.10 unit).
5. Sable (Martes zibellina) - 2 rubles (0.25 unit).
6. Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) - 5 rubles (0.50 unit).
7. Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) - 10 rubles (1 unit).

The standard Turtle set has 80 checkers. Each suit includes 20 checkers: 4 Stoats, 4 Wolverines, 3 Deers, 3 Ibexes, 3 Sables, 2 Lynxes and Tiger.

Definition of a piece.
Vertically adjacent checkers of the one color or of the one orientation (North or South) with different sizes (in oure case of small C1 to large C7) and with the correspondent signs or hieroglyphs (numbers of perforations) form a pyramidal labeled polyomino or partially ordered multiset simply called piece. It is clear that piece has at least one checker. One checker is an elementary piece.
The checkers can be used to create the homogeneous combined pieces (singles, doubles and triples).

The standard names of homogeneous pieces in agree with international classification [6] is such.
1. Pawns (slaves 1,2,3).
1.1. Soldier (S) (stoat).
1.2. Pawn (P) (wolverine).
1.3. Graz Pawn (G) (stoat & wolverine).
2. Hoppers (pieces 1,2,3).
2.1. Commoner or Mann (M) (single deer)
2.2. Knight (N) (double deer).
2.3. Centaur (C) (triple deer)
3. Diagonal leapers and rider (pieces 4,5,6).
3.1. Ferz (F) (ibex).
3.2. Elephant or Alfil (E) (double ibex).
3.3. Bishop (B) (triple ibex).
4. Orthogonal leapers and rider (pieces 7,8,9).
4.1. Wazir (W) (single sable).
4.2. Dabbaba (D) (double sable).
4.3. Rook (R) (triple sable).
5. Royal pieces (royalties 1,2,3).
5.1. King (K) (single tiger).
5.2. Alibaba (A) (single lynx).
5.3. Amazon Queen (Q) (double lynx).

Therefore the number of all possible pieces for Hopper, Diagonal or Orthogonal checkers is restricted to (63=4*4*4-1) by the next rule: any piece (P) can consist of no more than nine checkers and can have no more than three (triple) checkers of one type.
You can see all possible 63 pieces for Hopper, Diagonal or Orthogonal checkers: 9 homogeneous pieces (yellow background) and 54 heterogeneous combined pieces on the next diagramm.

You can see the prime (José Raúl Capablanca) set of all possible pieces (7=2*2*2-1) on the next diagramm.

The orthogonal O(n) (blue marked) or diagonal D(n) (green marked) with or without jump J and knight N(n) (yellow marked) modes of the movement, where n is the number of the path cells.

The free universal ranking (rating) system (段)
Beginner: Bet pieces;
Pioneer (Class 1): Bet 10 unit;
Pioneer (Class 2): Bet 20 units;
Pioneer (Class 3): Bet 50 units;
Player (Class 4): Bet 100 units;
Player (Class 5): Bet 200 units;
Player (Class 6): Bet 500 units;
Player (Class 7): Bet 1000 units;
Player (Class 8): Bet 2000 units;
Player (Class 9): Bet 5000 units;
Player (Class 10): Bet 10000 units;
Red Master (Expert): Bet 20000 units;
Green Master (Master): Bet 50000 units;
Blue Master (Senior Master): Bet 100000 units and above;
Black Master (Champion): Bet - Trophy with diamonds.

Internet resources:
1. Chaturanga.
2. Chess.
3. Shogi.
4. Xiangqi.
5. Polystick.
6. Fairy chess piece.
7. Tuvan souvenir coins.
8. The King Of Chess 棋王 (1991) - Eng Sub