Wednesday 23 May 2018



Friday 18 May 2018




Kosintsev I.G.

1. Pawn 歩兵 fuhyō (0) 黄石 (日)
2. Ronin 浪人 (Iron General 鉄将 tesshō *) (1) 赤石 (火)
3. King 玉将 gyokushō (Prince 太子 taishi *) (2) 緑石 (木)
4. Ninja 忍者 (Cat Sword 猫刄 myōjin or Fierce Tiger 猛虎 mōko *) (3) 青石 (水)
5. Samurai 侍 (Angry Boar 嗔猪 shinchō or Copper General 銅将 dōshō *) (4) 黒石 (土)
6. Knight 桂馬 keima (21) 赤と緑の石 (木火)
7. Silver General 銀将 ginshō (31) 赤と青の石 (水火)
8. Gold General 金将 kinshō (41) 赤と黒の石 (土火)
9. Dragon 龍 ryū (32) 緑と青の石 (水木)
10. Chariot 車 sha (42) 緑と黒の石 (土木)
11. Daimyō 大名 (43) 青と黒の石 (土水)
12. Flying Dragon 飛龍 hiryū (321) 赤と緑と青の石 (水木火)
13. Flying Chariot 飛車 hisha (421) 赤と緑と黒の石 (土木火)
14. Lion 獅子 shishi * (431) 赤と青と黒の石 (土水火)
15. Orochi 大蛇 (Queen 奔王 honnō *) (432) 緑と青と黒の石 (土水木)
16. Shogun 将軍 (Great General 大将 taishō **) (4321) 赤と緑と青と黒の石 (土水木火)

1. (0) 黄石 (日) 1円
2. (1) 赤石 (火) 5円
3. (2) 緑石 (木) 10円
4. (3) 青石 (水) 50円
5. (4) 黒石 (土) 100円

* from Dai shōgi 大将棋
** from Tenjiku shogi 天竺将棋

Internet resources:
1. Shogi
2. 羽生善治の将棋ビギナーズバイブル〈1〉単行本 – 1996/5
羽生善治の将棋ビギナーズバイブル〈2〉駒の有効な使い方 単行本 – 1996/7
羽生善治の将棋ビギナーズバイブル〈3〉単行本 – 1996/9
Habu Yoshiharu "Shogi beginner's bible"羽生-善治/e/B00JHREACQ/
3. HIDETCHI Japanese-English SHOGI Dictionary by Tomohide Kawasaki (Author), Madoka Kitao (Contributor)
4. Dai shogi
5. Tenjiku shogi
6. いちばんわかる囲碁の基本入門 (Basic Introduction to Go) by 白江治彦 (Shirae Haruhiko) 2006
7. Go for Beginners by Kaoru Iwamoto 1972
8. Lessons in the fundamentals of go by Toshiro Kageyama
9. Graded Go Problems for Beginners by Kano Yoshinori
10. Basic techniques of go by Isamu Haruyama
11. Opening Theory Made Easy: Twenty Strategic Principles to Improve Your Opening Game by Otake Hideo
12. 38 Basic Joseki (Elementary Go Series, Vol. 2) by Kosugi Kiyoshi
13. Attack and Defense (Elementary Go Series, Vol. 5) by Ishida Akira
14. The direction of play by Takeo Kajiwara
15. The breakthrough to shodan by Naoki Miyamoto
16. Nonogram お絵かきロジック
17. Block-a-Pix
18. Color Pic-a-Pix
19. 180 Japanese Puzzles.
20. Daily Telegraph Book of Japanese Puzzles.
21. The Book of Japanese Puzzles: Sudoku, Kakuro, Hanjie by Gareth Moore. (Paperback, 2005)
22. The Times Japanese Logic Puzzles: Hashi, Hitori, Mosaic and Slitherlink.
23. Philosophy shogi checkers
24. 川端 康成 Yasunari Kawabata
名人 (新潮文庫) 文庫名人-新潮文庫-川端-康成/dp/4101001197
25. 日本銀行・現在発行されている銀行券・貨幣 Bank of Japan Notes and Coins Currently Issued

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Eureka (draughts variant)

Eureka (the draughts variant)

Kosintsev I.G.

The new figures notation is very convenient for orientation and for typing.

The rules are very simple. An ordinary piece moves as in the classical draughts but a jumping (catching) one moves only orthogonaly (horizontally and vertically) as in turkish droughts (Dama).
Internet resources:
1. International Draughts.
2. Куперман И.И.
Шашки на стоклеточной доске.
Здоров'я, 1967.
3. Бapckий Ю.П., Гepцeнзoн Б.M.
Пpиkлючeния нa шaшeчнoй дocke.
Лeниздaт 1969.
4. Куперман И. И., Барский Ю. П.
Как играют в стоклеточные шашки.
Москва, "Физкультура и спорт", 1972.
5. Барский Ю.П.
На 100 клетках.
Изд-е 2-е, доп. М.: Физкультура и спорт, 1985.
6. Звирбулис В. А. Здоровяк Р. 3.
Типичные шашечные приёмы.
Москва, "Физкультура и спорт", 1988.
7.Turkish draughts.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Waterloo 龍棋 (7th edition)

It is here that the battle of Waterloo was won!
Duke of Wellington

We do not curse thee, Waterloo!
George Gordon Byron

Waterloo 龍棋 (the chess variant)
(7th edition)

Kosintsev I.G.

If you want play a perfect grand chess, play Waterloo. This 100-squares chess variant has wide strategic and tactical possibilities but at the same time is using an extended set of the chess pieces with the traditional style of movement well known to all chess players. Pieces are arranged hierarchically and harmonically at the initial position.
In addition this variant uses a contemporary design of standard pieces from China (象棋) or Russia (Таврели).
The study and practice of the game is simplified due to the existence of two variations: Junior Waterloo (informally "Euro") and Grand Waterloo (informally "Americano").
(The commercial game is played by crown poker chips.)
Each variant corresponds to its own League: Junior Waterloo League 16- (JWL) and Grand Waterloo League 17+ (GWL). The recommended time control is 30'+15' for JWL and 60'+30' for GWL.
The initial (in agree with etiquette centre-symmetrical) position at Junior Waterloo with the classical board is follows.

The initial position at Grand Waterloo with the 10x10 board is follows.

The complete set of the chess Waterloo has 60 double-sided pieces (checkers): 30 yellow/red (white) and 30 green/blue (black).

The obverse initial yellow pieces (Humans):
1. Pawn (P): a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3, g3, h3, i3, k3 (10 pieces).
2. Spy (S): a2, k2 (2 pieces).
3. Knight (N): d2, g2 (2 pieces).
4. Bishop (B): c2, h2 (2 pieces).
5. Rook (R): a1, k1 (2 pieces).
6. Adviser (A): d1, g1 (2 pieces).

The reverse initial red pieces (Aliens):
1. Guard (G): b2, i2 (2 pieces).
2. Joker (J): e2, f2 (2 pieces).
3. Cardinal (C): c1, h1 (2 pieces).
4. Marshall (M): b1, i1 (2 pieces).
5. Queen (Q): f1 (1 piece).
6. Emperor (E): e1 (1 piece).

The obverse initial green pieces (Humans):
1. Pawn (P): a8, b8, c8, d8, e8, f8, g8, h8, i8, k8 (10 pieces).
2. Spy (S): a9, k9 (2 pieces).
3. Knight (N): d9, g9 (2 pieces).
4. Bishop (B): c9, h9 (2 pieces).
5. Rook (R): a10, k10 (2 pieces).
6. Adviser (A): d10, g10 (2 pieces).

The reverse initial blue pieces (Aliens):
1. Guard (G): b9, i9 (2 pieces).
2. Joker (J): e9, f9 (2 pieces).
3. Cardinal (C): c10, h10 (2 pieces).
4. Marshall (M): b10, i10 (2 pieces).
5. Queen (Q): e10 (1 piece).
6. Emperor (E): f10 (1 piece).

Each player has 30 double-sided (Humans/Aliens) Waterloo pieces of one pair of suits: yellow (秋) / red (夏) or green (春) / blue (冬).

There are seven types:of pieces for each pair of suits:
1. Pawn / Dragon (P/D) (10 pieces).
     (Original 日) (Chinese 卒/兵) (Russian Ратник)
2. Spy / Guard (S/G) (4 pieces).
     (Original 月) (Chinese 砲/炮) (Russian Хельги)
3. Knight / Joker (N/J) (4 pieces).
     (Original 火) (Chinese 馬/傌) (Russian Всадник)
4. Bishop / Cardinal (B/C) (4 pieces).
     (Original 水) (Chinese 象/相) (Russian Лучник)
5. Rook / Marshall (R/M) (4 pieces).
     (Original 土) (Chinese 車/俥) (Russian Ратоборец)
6. Adviser / Queen(Amazon) (A/Q) (3 pieces).
     (Original 金) (Chinese 士/仕) (Russian Князь)
7. King / Emperor (K/E) (1 piece).
     (Original 木) (Chinese 將/帥) (Russian Волхв)
The sum is 10+4+4+4+4+3+1=30 pieces.
(Of course Spy - 砲/炮 - Хельги aren't equivalents. But they are replaceable without any psychological problems.)

The obverse pieces (上石) (Humans) are
1. Pawn (P): i8, h9. (1$ chip)
2. Spy (S): h7, g8. (2$ chip)
3. Knight (N): g6, f7. (10$ chip)
4. Bishop (B): f5, e6. (20$ chip)
5. Rook (R): e4, d5. (50$ chip)
6. Adviser (A): d3, c4. (100$ chip)
7. King (K): c2, b3. (5$ chip)
The reverse pieces (下石) (Aliens) are
1. Dragon (D): k7, g10. (25$ chip)
2. Guard (G): i6, f9. (200$ chip)
3. Joker (J): h5, e8. (1000$ chip)
4. Cardinal (C): g4, d7. (2000$ chip)
5. Marshall (M): f3, c6. (5000$ chip)
6. Queen(Amazon) (Q): e2, b5. (10000$ chip)
7. Emperor (E): d1, a4. (500$ chip)

The transformation (turning over) of pieces are regulated by the additive reversible rules of the composition in agree with formulas:

S+S=G or G-S=S
N+S=J or J-S=N
K+S=E or E-S=K

B+N=C or C-N=B
R+N=M or M-N=R
A+N=Q or Q-N=A

The move can be done not only by the whole compound piece (Alien) but also by any part of it (Human). A obverse piece (S or N) can be moved (transferred) to a square occupied by another own obverse piece, if the result is the formation of a correct reverse piece. But Dragon is a particular piece for a promotion of Pawn.

Rules of the game:
1. The orthogonal mode of the movement O or O(n), where n is the number of the path cells.
2. The diagonal mode of the movement D or D(n), where n is the number of the path cells.

3. The neighbor mode of the movement N or N(n), where n=1,2,3 over the neighbor occupied or unoccupied squares (Jump).

4. The leaping mode LO or LD means that a piece can leap own way over one other (friendly or enemy) piece (hurdle).

1. The progressive (unclassical) pawn (P) moves ahead from third row by O(1) mode; from fourth, fifth rows without the capture by O(1) mode or with the capture by D(1) mode; from sixth, seventh, eight rows by O(1) or by D(1) mode.
Pawn may advance in its first ahead move, without capturing, by O(2) mode.
The pawn may standard capture «en passant».
The pawn that reaches the ninth promotion row promotes for the dragon.

2. The dragon (D) moves by LO or LD modes.
3. The spy (S) moves by N(1) mode.
4. The knight (N) moves by N(3) mode.
5. The joker (J) moves by N(1) or N(3) mode.
6. The guard (G) (pasha or mastodon) leaps by N(1) or N(2) modes.
7. The bishop (B) moves by D mode.
8. The cardinal (C) combines the powers of the bishop and the knight.
9. The rook (R) moves by O mode.
10. The marshall (M) combines the powers of the rook and the knight.
11. The adviser (A) moves by O or D modes.
12. The queen (Q) (Amazon) combines the powers of the adviser and the knight.
13. The king (K) moves by N(1) mode.
The achievement of the ninth row by the king brings the victory.
14. The emperor (E) moves as the guard. After check or after castling he is transformed to the king.
When (double) castling, the marshall move towards the king, the rook move towards this marshall and the king moves to the square at the other side of this rook (for whites: 0-0 (Md1, Rc1, Kb1), 0-0-0 (Mf1, Rg1, Kh1); for blacks: 0-0 (Mg10, Rh10, Ki10), 0-0-0 (Me10, Rd10, Kc10)).
Castling may only be done if the emperor, the marshall and the rook have never moved, the squares between the king and the marshall involved are unoccupied, the king is not in check, and the king does not cross over or end on a square in which it would be in check.
The achievement of the ninth row by the emperor brings the victory.
15. The (stale)mate brings the victory. This rule take priority.
16. Waterloo has no draws. Repeating any position with the same order of move is prohibited. A player may not make a move if the resulting position is one that has previously occurred in the game with the same player to move. This is called repetition (千日手 sennichite).
Thirty ordinary inactive moves without any capture and promotion counting for each side independently mean defeat.

Other general rules of this game are identical with rules of classical chess [1].

Internet resources:
1. Chess.
3. Chaturanga.
4. Omega Chess.
5. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Grand chess.
6. Archchess.
7. Pacific Chess.
8. Mideast Chess.
9. Mastodon Chess (10x10).
10. Waterloo 百田棋 (5th edition).
11. Xiangqi.
12. International Draughts.
13. Саргин Д. И.
Древность игр в шашки и шахматы.
М., 1916. — XXIV, 350 экз., 396 с.
14. В. Ивановский, О. Свирин
Русские шахматы: Таврели.
Москва, "Русский путь", 2002 (104 с.)
15. Playing card.
16. Wassily Kandinsky
Point and Line to Plane.
Dover Publications, New York.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Waterloo 龍棋 (6th edition)

It is here that the battle of Waterloo was won!
Duke of Wellington

Waterloo 龍棋 (the chess variant)
(6th edition)

Kosintsev I.G.

If you want play a perfect grand chess, play Waterloo. This 100-squares chess variant has wide strategic and tactical possibilities but at the same time is using an extended set of the chess pieces with the traditional style of movement well known to all chess players. Pieces are arranged hierarchically and harmonically at the initial position.
In addition this variant uses a contemporary flexible checkers' design from China and Russia.
The initial (in agree with etiquette centre-symmetrical) position at the game Waterloo with the 10x10 board is follows.

The complete set of the chess Waterloo have 64 pieces (84 checkers): 32 blue (white) and 32 red (black).

The simple initial white pieces (Humans):
1. Pawn (P): a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3, g3, h3, i3, k3 (10 pieces).
2. Spy (S) (reserved) (2 pieces).
3. Knight (N): d2, e2, f2, g2 (4 pieces).
4. Bishop (B): c2, h2 (2 pieces).
5. Rook (R): a1, k1 (2 pieces).
6. Adviser (A): d1, g1 (2 pieces).

The compound initial white pieces (Aliens):
1. Guard (G): a2, b2, i2, k2 (4 pieces).
2. Cardinal (C): c1, h1 (2 pieces).
3. Marshall (M): b1, i1 (2 pieces).
4. Queen (Q): f1 (1 piece).
5. Emperor (E): e1 (1 piece).

The simple initial black pieces (Humans):
1. Pawn (P): a8, b8, c8, d8, e8, f8, g8, h8, i8, k8 (10 pieces).
2. Spy (S) (reserved) (2 pieces).
3. Knight (N): d9, e9, f9, g9 (4 pieces).
4. Bishop (B): c9, h9 (2 pieces).
5. Rook (R): a10, k10 (2 pieces).
6. Adviser (A): d10, g10 (2 pieces).

The compound black pieces:
1. Guard (G): a9, b9, i9, k9 (4 pieces).
2. Cardinal (C): c10, h10 (2 pieces).
3. Marshall (M): b10, i10 (2 pieces).
4. Queen (Q): e10 (1 piece).
5. Emperor (E): f10 (1 piece).

There are thirteen possible types of the Waterloo pieces: seven simple (basic) pieces, five compound pieces and one particular piece for a promotion.

Seven simple (basic) (one checker) pieces are
1. Pawn (P): k7, g10 (Chinese 卒/兵) (Russian Ратник).
2. Spy (S): i6, f9 (Chinese 砲/炮) (Russian Хельги).
3. Knight (N): h5, e8 (Chinese 馬/傌) (Russian Всадник).
4. Bishop (B): g4, d7 (Chinese 象/相) (Russian Лучник).
5. Rook (R): f3, c6 (Chinese 車/俥) (Russian Ратоборец).
6. Adviser (A): e2, b5 (Chinese 士/仕) (Russian Князь).
7. King (K): d1, a4 (Chinese 將/帥) (Russian Волхв).
Five compound (two checkers) pieces are
1. Guard (G=S+S): k5, e10.
2. Cardinal (C=B+N): i4, d9.
3. Marshall (M=R+N): h3, c8.
4. Queen(Amazon) (Q=A+N): g2, b7.
5. Emperor (E=K+N): f1, a6.
One particular (two checkers) piece for a promotion is
Wiseman (W ~ undivided S&P): a10, k1.
(Of course Spy - 砲/炮 - Хельги aren't equivalents. But they are replaceable without any psychological problems.)
The transformation of pieces are regulated by the additive reversible rules of the composition.

The move can be done not only by the whole compound piece but also by any part of it. A simple piece can be moved to a square occupied by another own piece, if the result is the formation of a correct compound piece. The quantity of pieces of one color on board can't be more than thirty.

Rules of the game:
1. The orthogonal mode of the movement O or O(n), where n is the number of the path cells.
2. The diagonal mode of the movement D or D(n), where n is the number of the path cells.

3. The neighbor mode of the movement N or N(n), where n=1,2,3 over the neighbor occupied or unoccupied squares (Jump).

4. The jumping mode JO or JD means that a piece can jump own way over one other (friendly or enemy) piece (hurdle).

1. The progressive (unclassical) pawn (P) moves ahead from third row by O(1) mode; from fourth, fifth rows without the capture by O(1) mode or with the capture by D(1) mode; from sixth, seventh rows by O(1) or by D(1) mode.
Pawn may advance in its first ahead move, without capturing, by O(2) mode.
The pawn may standard capture «en passant».
The pawn that reaches the eighth promotion row promotes for the spy.
The rule of third pawn. The achievement of the eighth promotional row by third pawn brings the victory.
2. The spy (S) moves by N(1) mode.
The spy that achieves ninth promotion row promotes for the wiseman.
3. The knight (N) moves by N(3) mode.
4. The guard (G) (pasha or mastodon) jumps by N(1) or N(2) modes.
5. The bishop (B) moves by D mode.
6. The cardinal (C) combines the powers of the bishop and the knight.
7. The rook (R) moves by O mode.
8. The marshall (M) combines the powers of the rook and the knight.
9. The adviser (A) moves by O or D modes.
10. The wiseman (W) moves by JO or JD modes.
11. The queen (Q) (Amazon) combines the powers of the adviser and the knight.
12. The king (K) moves by N(1) mode.
The achievement of the ninth row by the King brings the victory.
13. The emperor (E) combines the powers of the king and the knight. After check he loses the knight and is transformed to the king.
When (double) castling, the Marshall move towards the Emperor, the Rook move towards this Marshall and the Emperor moves to the square at the other side of this Rook (for whites: 0-0 (Md1, Rc1, Eb1), 0-0-0 (Mf1, Rg1, Eh1); for blacks: 0-0 (Mg10, Rh10, Ei10), 0-0-0 (Me10, Rd10, Ec10)).
Castling may only be done if the Emperor, the Marshall and the Rook have never moved, the squares between the Emperor and the Marshall involved are unoccupied, the Emperor is not in check, and the Emperor does not cross over or end on a square in which it would be in check.
The achievement of the ninth row by the Emperor brings the victory.
14. The (stale)mate brings the victory.
15. Waterloo has no draws. Repeating any position with the same order of move is prohibited. Thirty ordinary moves without any capture and promotion means defeat.

Other general rules of this game are identical with rules of classical chess [1].

Internet resources:
1. Chess.
3. Chaturanga.
4. Omega Chess.
5. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Grand chess.
6. Archchess.
7. Pacific Chess.
8. Mideast Chess.
9. Mastodon Chess (10x10).
10. Waterloo 百田棋 (5th edition).
11. Xiangqi.
12. International Draughts.
13. Саргин Д. И.
Древность игр в шашки и шахматы.
М., 1916. — XXIV, 350 экз., 396 с.
14. В. Ивановский, О. Свирин
Русские шахматы: Таврели.
Москва, "Русский путь", 2002 (104 с.)
15. Playing card.
16. Wassily Kandinsky
Point and Line to Plane.
Dover Publications, New York.