Monday 23 November 2009

Russian cheskers

Das Damespiel ist die Mutter des Schachspiels - und zwar die beste Mutter, die es gibt.
Lasker E.

Russian cheskers
Kosintsev I.G.

Russian cheskers is the hybrid variant of classical chess and Russians checkers, the alternative to schachdame of Heinrich Richter [1] and cheskers of Solomon Golomb [2].
This is a very aggressive, combinatorial and unpredictable game.


The pieces are divided, by convention, into white and black sets. The players are referred to as "White" and "Black”. Each begins the game with sixteen pieces of the specified colour. These consist of one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights and eight pawns.

Initial position

Russian cheskers is played on a square board, identical to chess one, of eight rows (called ranks and denoted with numbers 1 to 8) and eight columns (called files and denoted with letters “a” to “h”) of squares.

The pieces are set out as in the chess but symmetrically: the king - left, the queen - right, for each colour.


King d1;
Queen e1;
Rooks a1, h1;
Bishops c1, f1;
Knights b1, g1;
Pawns a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h2.


King e8;
Queen d8;
Rooks a8, h8;
Bishops c8, f8;
Knights b8, g8;
Pawns a7, b7, c7, d7, e7, f7, g7, h7.

How to move

Each piece at Russian cheskers has its own style of moving in two ways: simple “marsh” and “jump”.

1. The pawn can be moved forward (direct and diagonally) to the very next square, the king can be moved in any direction to the very next square, the knight can be moved in any direction to the first or second square.

2. If one player's piece, the other player's piece, and an empty square are lined up, then the first player may "jump" the other player's piece. In this case, the first player jumps over the other player's piece onto the empty square and takes the other player's piece off the board.

3. If the piece can jump with the move, it must jump. Sometimes a player may have the option or a choice of which opponent piece he must jump. In such cases, he must then choose which to jump.

4. The king, the knight and the pawn can be jumped only to the second square.

5. The queen, the rook, the bishop have the ability to move freely multiple steps (the queen in any direction, the rook horizontally and vertically, the bishop diagonally) and jump over and hence capture an opponent piece some distance away and choose where to stop afterwards.

6. A player can use one queen, or one rook, or one bishop, or one knight to make multiple jumps in any one single turn, provided each jump continues to lead immediately into the next jump.

7. The king can be jumped once per one move over own piece to the second square without the removing this own piece.

8. When a pawn advances to its last rank (eighth for white, first for black), it is exchanged for a queen of the same colour (Promotion).

End of the game

A player wins when he takes the opponent king off the board. Either player can also resign.
A draw can occur in several situations, including draw by agreement, threefold repetition of a position, the fifty-move rule, or a draw by impossibility to take the opponent king.

Examples of games

Game 1.

1. e2-e3 d7-d6
2. f1-b5 e8-d7
3. b5:e8:h5 X


Game 2.

1. d2-d3 e7-e6
2. e2- e3 e6-e5
3. d3-d4 e5:c3
4. b2:d4 f8-b4
5. e1:a5 a7-a6
6. a5:a7 a8:a4:e4:e2:b2
7. b1:b3 f7-f6
8. f2-f3 g8-e6
9. g1-e3 e8-f7
10. b3-d5 e6:c4
11. f1:b5:e8:h5 X


Game 3.

1. d2-d3 d7-d6
2. c2-c3 f7-f6
3. d3-d4 d6-d5
4. d4:d6 c7:e5
5. b1-d3 d8:d2:a5
6. a2-a3 a5:a2:c2
7. d1:b3 c8-e6
8. b3-c2 a7-a6
9. a1:a7:c7:f7:f5:b4 e6-b3
10. c2:a4 a8:a1:d1 X


External links

1. Schachdame.

2. Cheskers.

3. Chess.

4. Chess variant.

5. Russian checkers.

6. Jumper (the prototype of Russian chess).

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