Thursday 16 March 2017


Rocket Raccoon
- Why would you want to save the galaxy?
Peter Quill
- Because I'm one of the idiots who live there!
Guardians of the Galaxy (Movie)

Qui-Gon Jinn
- Your focus determines your reality.
Star Wars I (Movie)

Complications do not always mean science.
Newell William Banks

(Olympic Grand Chess)

Kosintsev I.G.

If you want play a perfect chess, read good fiction and play Galaxy. This 100-squares chess has wide strategic and tactical possibilities but at the same time is using only eight fairy chess pieces with the traditional style of movement well known to all chess players. Pieces are arranged hierarchically and harmonically at the initial position.

The complete set of the chess Galaxy have 48 pieces: 24 white and 24 black.

The fairy white pieces:
1. (P) Pawn: b3, c3, d3, e3, f3, g3, h3, i3 (8 pieces).
2. (G) Guard (Man): d2, e2, f2, g2 (4 pieces).
3. (N) Knight: b2, c2, h2, i2 (4 pieces).
4. (M) Mastodon (Pasha): d1, g1 (2 pieces).
5. (B) Bishop: c1, h1 (2 pieces).
6. (R) Rook: b1, i1 (2 pieces).
7. (Q) Queen: f1 (1 piece).
8. (K) King: e1 (1 piece).

The fairy black pieces:
1. (P) Pawn: b8, c8, d8, e8, f8, g8, h8, i8 (8 pieces).
2. (G) Guard (Man): d9, e9, f9, g9 (4 pieces).
3. (N) Knight: b9, c9, h9, i9 (4 pieces).
4. (M) Mastodon (Pasha): d10, g10 (2 pieces).
5. (B) Bishop: c10, h10 (2 pieces).
6. (R) Rook: b10, i10 (2 pieces).
7. (Q) Queen: e10 (1 piece).
8. (K) King: f10 (1 piece).

The particular rules:
1. The pawn that reaches the eighth promotion row promotes for the guard.
2. The guard may advance in its first double move, without capturing. The guard that achieves the ninth promotion row can optionally promote for the mastodon.
3. The guard that achieves the last promotion row can optionally promote for the queen.
4. The (stale)mate brings the victory.
5. Galaxy has no draws. Repeating any position with the same order of move is prohibited. Thirty ordinary moves without any capture and promotion means defeat.

Internet resources:
1. Chess.
3. Chaturanga.
4. Omega Chess.
5. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Grand chess.
6. Archchess.
7. Pacific Chess.
8. Mideast Chess.
9. Mastodon Chess (10x10).
10. Modern Grand Chess.
11. Waterloo 百田棋 (5th edition).

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